For many people trying to get your home sold as quick as possible is the main aim. Once the hassle and emotional attachment are gone to the house it means that they can then get excited and most importantly, get started in moving into their brand-new house. Some might want to move into their new home as it is more suited to things associated with their personal lives such as the location of schools or workplaces. Whatever the reason may be, one of the key factors to acquiring a quick sale of your property is to ensure that you are property staging. Property staging, in its simplest terms, is simply making the house look more appealing to potential buyers. Certain tips should be followed to ensure that the property is as aesthetically pleasing as it can be, read on to find out what these tips are.
This may seem like common sense to a lot of people; however, it is amazing the number of sellers that refuse to get rid of clutter that makes the property look tacky or messy. The worst thing that you can do as a seller is chuck as much as you can into a cupboard or drawers. Buyers will want to investigate everything as they are placing a huge commitment to buying your home, meaning that they could occasionally open these ‘private’ spaces that you thought were good hiding spots. If you are 100% sure that you are keeping items of clutter that are lying about then you should invest in storage space, however, if you have no intentions of keeping them then simply bin them.
Floorboards are one of the main selling points for a lot of new property buyers. As property buyers, people will want to know that the house they are going to *hopefully* spend the rest of their life in has little to no flaws. Poorly maintained floors also look tacky from an outsider’s point of view and could have a detrimental impact on the overall price of the house. It’s important to locate any creaky floorboards or chips that need to be fixed before putting your house on the market as this could be the defining feature that turns a potential suitor away.
Freshen up
Similar to flooring, painted walls/wallpaper are extremely crucial in selling your house. If a house has dirty marks or smudges all over the place then it further adds to the ‘’tacky’’ feeling that was discussed earlier. To prevent this from deterring potential buyers, sellers can simply go over the walls with a lick of paint to freshen them up. Whilst you don’t need to change up the whole personality of the house, it is equally as important to remember that your choice of bright yellow may not have the same selling point as someone wishing to purchase the property.
Make space
The decluttering that you should have already done will go a long way in making space within your property, but you can do more to alter the perception of space alongside this. A simple way to do this is to add big mirrors into small rooms to give the illusion that there is a lot more space than there is. You must make sure that you do this properly though, as done wrong, can make the room look strange. A good example of this is placing a mirror directly opposite a window is ideal as it will make it look as though there is an extra window whilst also maximising the natural light in the room.
Open up
One of the best tips we can give when property staging is to open up the property. If you are selling your house during the summer months, we would always suggest opening the windows as wide as you can to bring in some fresh air. Even if you are selling during the wintertime, having that little breeze and a sense of fresh air can be very calming for a potential buyer. This is a similar story for interior doors; By keeping everything open it gives the buyer confidence that you aren’t hiding anything from them.
Contact us
Contact GPD Mortgage Solutions today if you are thinking about selling your house and we can help you through every stage of the process to ensure that you have the best outcome imaginable.